Sunday 15 March 2015


Happy Mothering Sunday to all the awesome mothers out there.

So to anyone out there who may be wondering what Mothering Sunday is about here's a little information.
Mothering Sunday is a holiday celebrated by Catholic and Protestant Christians in some parts of Europe. It falls on the fourth Sunday in Lent (For Orthodox Christians in Europe and elsewhere, the fourth Sunday in Lent remembers St. John of the Ladder (St. John Climacus). Secularly, it became an occasion for honouring the mothers of children and giving them presents.[1] It is increasingly being called Mother's Day, although that has always been a secular event quite different from the original Mothering Sunday.[1] In the UK, Mothering Sunday is celebrated  in the same way as Mother's Day is celebrated elsewhere.
Source: Wikipedia 
May God bless our Mother's and give them long life. Amen.
So me one thing you love about your mother. Starting with me, I'll say her strength and determination. How about you?

Saturday 7 March 2015


Is there something wrong with this page I screen grabbed from Google...?
Not too sure, look again.
I found a comment about this on twitter and I thought it impossible but then my curiosity led me to check and see what I found.
I typed "beautiful women"  in the search box and the results show a ton of beautiful women. Beautiful "white" women. There is something absolutely wrong with this. Beauty is defined by a lot of things but race is certainly not one of them.
So there is a current trend on twitter right now with the hashtag #blackdayout where people are posting their picture embracing their beauty.
Let's join in this movement and hopefully change this awful misconception about beauty.