Saturday 3 October 2015


In the light of celebrating Nigeria at 55, I've scrambled the internet and put together some interesting facts about our good old country.
1. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with more than 160 million people living there. What this means is that 1 in every 7 Africans is a Nigerian. 

2.Nigeria has one of the oldest locations of human existence.Evidence from archaeological discoveries have shown that there was a history of human existence in Nigeria which has been dated as far back as 9000 lBC. The Nok civilization (around 500BC - 200AD) is one of the earliest known civilizations. 

3. Nigeria, with 521 languages has the fourth most in the world. This includes 510 living languages, two second languages without native speakers and 9 extinct languages. This means that Nigeria is home to 7%  of all languages spoken on earth.

4. The Walls of Benin (800-1400AD), in present day Edo State, are the longest ancient earthworks in the world, and probably the largest man-made structure on earth. They enclose 6500 square kilometers of community lands that connected about 500 communities. At over 16000km long, it was thought to be twice the length of the Great Wall of China, until it was announced in 2012 (after five years of meticulous measurement by Chinese surveyors) that the Great Wall is about 21,000km long.

5. The Jos Plateau Indigobird, a small reddish-brown bird, is found nowhere else on the planet but Plateau state, Nigeria.

6. Sarki Muhammad Kanta The Great of Kebbi, was the only ruler who resisted control by Songhai, West Africa’s greatest empire at that time. He founded and ruled the Hausa city-state of Kebbi around 1600 A.D and built Surame its capital, a planned city which was almost impossible to penetrate during war. In fact UNESCO describes Surame as “one of the wonders of human history, creativity and ingenuity”, and probably the most massive stone-walled constructions in West Africa. He is listed in Robin Walker’s 50 Greatest Africans. 

7. Africa’s oldest known boat is The Dufuna canoe which was discovered in Dufuna village, Yobe state, by a Fulani Herdsman in May 1987, while he dug a well. Various radio-carbon tests conducted in laboratories of reputable universities in Europe and America indicate that the canoe is over 8,000 years old, thus making it the oldest in Africa and 3rd oldest in the world. The discovery of the canoe has completely changed accepted theories of the history and sophistication of marine technology in Africa.

8. The Yoruba tribe has the highest rate of twin births in the world. Igbo-Ora, a little town in Oyo state, has been nicknamed Twin capital of the World because of its unusually high rate of twins that is put as high as 158 twins per 1000 births.

9. Ile Ife, in present day Osun State, was paved as early as 1000AD, with decorations that originated from ancient America suggesting there might have been contact between the Yorubas and The Ancient Americans half a millennium before Columbus discovered America.

10. The Third Mainland Bridge connecting Lagos Island to the mainland is the longest bridge in Africa - it measures about 11.8km.

So there, you have it. 10 things I didn't know about Nigeria. I found this enlightening and hope you do too. 

Sunday 15 March 2015


Happy Mothering Sunday to all the awesome mothers out there.

So to anyone out there who may be wondering what Mothering Sunday is about here's a little information.
Mothering Sunday is a holiday celebrated by Catholic and Protestant Christians in some parts of Europe. It falls on the fourth Sunday in Lent (For Orthodox Christians in Europe and elsewhere, the fourth Sunday in Lent remembers St. John of the Ladder (St. John Climacus). Secularly, it became an occasion for honouring the mothers of children and giving them presents.[1] It is increasingly being called Mother's Day, although that has always been a secular event quite different from the original Mothering Sunday.[1] In the UK, Mothering Sunday is celebrated  in the same way as Mother's Day is celebrated elsewhere.
Source: Wikipedia 
May God bless our Mother's and give them long life. Amen.
So me one thing you love about your mother. Starting with me, I'll say her strength and determination. How about you?

Saturday 7 March 2015


Is there something wrong with this page I screen grabbed from Google...?
Not too sure, look again.
I found a comment about this on twitter and I thought it impossible but then my curiosity led me to check and see what I found.
I typed "beautiful women"  in the search box and the results show a ton of beautiful women. Beautiful "white" women. There is something absolutely wrong with this. Beauty is defined by a lot of things but race is certainly not one of them.
So there is a current trend on twitter right now with the hashtag #blackdayout where people are posting their picture embracing their beauty.
Let's join in this movement and hopefully change this awful misconception about beauty.  

Sunday 14 September 2014


It's common to hear sayings like in 5 years time, I will be this or I will be that. Such sayings are nice but the big question is what are you doing today to become that in 5 years time.
Consider TODAY as a Farmland that will produce a harvest(future) that you sow.
Don't be a what will be, will be person. The best way to PREDICT your FUTURE is to  CREATE IT.
Value today for without it there will be no tomorrow,
Yesterday is gone and will never come again,
Today you can be what you couldn't become yesterday,
Tomorrow is just another today.

Emmanuel Okojie
(He is a very inspiring author of which I feel honoured to know)

So my own words to you out there (yes you) HE WHO HAS EARS LET HIM HEAR AND HE WHO IS WHOLE LET HIM DO.

Saturday 13 September 2014


Guys yes we judge you by your shoes and how you to choose to wear them. So next time you feel like putting those running shoes on, keep this tips in mind.

1. Dressing shoes come in a whole lot of style and colour. These include derbies, oxfords. They are dressy to be worn with suits or sometimes chinos. DO NOT for the love of humanity pair them with jeans please.

2. Less dressy shoes like loafers and moccasins. They can be paired with chinos, khakis, corduroy pants and designer jeans.

3. Sneakers. Guys, if sneakers was human it would sue you all to court for all the hurt and abuse. They are mostly worn with jeans and less formal trousers.

4. Boots. How you were boots mostly depend on your line of duty and the weather; say for instance on a rainy day. Can be paired with jeans or corduroy.

5. Sandals. Yep they go just fine with our Nigerian attire and shorts too. Please don't pair them with jeans or a suit. Never a suit. Unless you're my great grandfather.

And as a bonus; For shoes to go with shorts, keep these in mind.
Finally these rules are pretty much basic but pending on the varied style of each type of shoe and the trend, these rules can be bent a bit. So for more suggestions, I'll simply say, 'ask Google'.

I have missed this place

I've missed y'all. But now I'm back and I'm here to stay.
So keep a date with me everyday. Kisses...

Thursday 21 August 2014

Today's Author: Stephen King

Known as the king of horror, Stephen King was born on September 21, 1947, in Portland. He started writing career in 1959. He had lots of struggles during that early period but he overcame it and went on to become one of the most successful authors.
I remember reading his horror children series "Goosebumps". It used to freak me out so much. And then growing up to his books such as The Shinning, boy till date I don't know of a book that has ever creeped me out that bad.
Well back to this outstanding author. Here 10 of his favourites
#1. Salem's Lot

#2. The Shinning
#3.  The Last Stand

 #4.  IT

#5.  Misery

#6. Dead Zone

#7. Pet Semetary

#8.  Carrie

#9.  Bag of Bones

#10. Different Seasons
So if you have read any of this nightmare tales, drop a comment and tell us about it.