Thursday 21 August 2014

Today's Author: Stephen King

Known as the king of horror, Stephen King was born on September 21, 1947, in Portland. He started writing career in 1959. He had lots of struggles during that early period but he overcame it and went on to become one of the most successful authors.
I remember reading his horror children series "Goosebumps". It used to freak me out so much. And then growing up to his books such as The Shinning, boy till date I don't know of a book that has ever creeped me out that bad.
Well back to this outstanding author. Here 10 of his favourites
#1. Salem's Lot

#2. The Shinning
#3.  The Last Stand

 #4.  IT

#5.  Misery

#6. Dead Zone

#7. Pet Semetary

#8.  Carrie

#9.  Bag of Bones

#10. Different Seasons
So if you have read any of this nightmare tales, drop a comment and tell us about it.

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